it's time to come back to your 


Are you ready to find more purpose in your passion, be the proudest you've ever been of your work, give your clients what truly serves them well, and finally rest in your *enough*?

The Prosper Workshop is a comprehensive learning experience + community for female portrait photographers who are ready to find clarity in business and freedom in life.


hey, friend!

Saturday, February 24th 2024

Wilmington, NC

feeling stuck

Tired of feeling stuck when it comes to balancing your business and life?

spoiler alert: you don't have to stay stuck

It isn't easy being your own boss. You just want to serve your clients straight from the heart, but doing that while balancing the integrity of your business and personal life is so overwhelming! I'm here to remind you that you are welcome in this space and more than worthy to do what you do. It is possible to run a purposeful business that values its clients with room to profit + scale. Let me teach you how!

join the workshop!

freedom to take on fewer sessions without compromising your income 

an editing queue that doesn't keep you up past midnight week after week

guilt free time with your family (or for yourself) free from distraction (aka the reason you started your biz in the first place!)

And you're desperate for

are starting to feel like you want your weekends back with your family and that weddings may not be for you any more

feel afraid to raise your prices (what if no one books?!) but know that you can't keep booking the amount that you are (hello burnout!)

struggle each day with balancing your work life with family, motherhood, and/or self care

If I had to guess, you probably

want to offer your clients an incredible experience and into every session feeling creatively excited and inspired

the confidence + skillset to make every family feel comfortable in front of your camera and walk away with images that feel like *them*

– Caitlin P.

"Chelsea encouraged us to share what we needed help with so she could provide appropriate direction. She took the time to really listen to our concerns. The whole day felt like a bunch of professionals just chatting about business and encouraging each other--the vibe was incredible.

I'm always hesitant signing up for workshops/business education, because I always wonder if the investment will pay off. And I can truly say I have no doubt in my mind this workshop will. Just receiving the pep in my step to fuel me to restart my season was well worth it! After everything I learned I feel that I can offer my clients an even better experience and I can better price myself. The day after the workshop my wheels just kept turning of all the new things I wanted to implement and improve and I've already started. This workshop was so so worth it and if you are ever on the fence about it, make that jump, it will pay off. "

Take it from past prosper attendees

  • My to-do list is ever-growing with ideas flowing around in my head. I know I am capable of making them happen, but I just don't know where to begin or how to start.

  • I want to create a niche and stand out in my market.

  • I need help pricing my offers as I am feeling stuck and want to bring in more profit.

  • I am currently in or approaching burnout and starting to resent what I do.

  • I'm craving systems + automation to take guilt-free time off and take on more limited, intentional sessions.

  • I need more clarity in marketing my personal brand on social media so that I can generate more leads from my ideal client.


Does this sound like you?

- Gerrianna P.

"My time spent at the Prosper Workshop was transformative for my business! I had my "why" nailed down but I couldn't exactly pinpoint my "how." Chelsea encouraged me to analyze my business in ways I never had before. After using her tips and knowledge to implement workflows and maximize my profits, I'm now able to quit my full time job to focus on my business and prioritize my family."

- Cayce F.

"I have attended workshops, coaching, etc with Chelsea in the past, so my only hesitation going in was that the information provided would be things I’ve learned in prior spaces with Chelsea. But, I’m so glad I didn’t let that stop me. Each time I've attend a coaching event with Chelsea, I learn so many new things and ways to improve my business. As Chelsea evolves, she shares her wisdom and lessons learned, which then helps me evolve and grow too."

- Laura b.

"Chelsea's workshop was a game-changer for my business. Her attention to detail in the educational material and styled shoot, coupled with her willingness to be honest about her success and failures made the day feel incredibly authentic and valuable.

I left feeling inspired and ready to make significant changes in my business. My experience was willed with information, creativity, community, and it has truly changed my business."

- Jenny b.

"The Prosper Workshop teaches you how to turn leads into profit, and add value to your offerings all while Chelsea makes you feel cozy and at home. She sets up a styled shoot to beautifully enhance your portfolio, too!"

- Tallison B.

"I've attended a workshop and a retreat with Chelsea and I believe it has helped my business grow tremendously. I highly recommend the workshop to any photographer who wants to improve their business and workflow at any level."

love notes from past attendees

  • exactly how I shoot a family session from start to finish -- what to look for, how to capture genuine emotion, and create beautiful, art-like imagery

  • how to swaddle newborns to keep them photo-ready and make the most of your session

  • what each of my clients is prepped with so they walk in feeling and looking portrait-ready without any stress on them

Get Hands-On Practice 

consistently attract + book clients you LOVE working with

create a dream schedule that allows for a healthy work / life balance

build the very confidence you need to find your unique space in the industry


Imagine yourself a few months from now, ACTUALLY living in the very business AND life you have been dreaming of.

it just takes ACTION.

Change is Possible

guess what?

help incorporate albums into your experience without feeling "salesy" or scheduling more appointments

– drool-worthy imagery

– confidence

– more profit

– consistency

– more ideal clients

– less mom guilt

– deeper relationships

- guilt free time off

– lighter to-do lists

Does this wish list look familiar?

Experience it for yourself.

Yes, we will cover all the logistical stuff. But we're also gonna dig deep on what we all crave too -- connection, balance in our home life, and much more. It isn't easy being a solo-preneur, but you don't have to do it alone, boo.

THE BEST DANG community


How to prep your clients so they come ready to rock their session, building a client closet, welcome gifting, selling ALBUMs, and more.

the client experience


I'll teach you exactly how I execute my newborn and family sessions. From how to evoke genuine images that don't look posed, how I swaddle to make little burrito babes, and much more!

all the juicy session stuff


How to structure your pricing to be profitable, email + social media marketing, and , systems to make your life easier



Just a glimpse at the fun we'll have.


The hands-on part of the day will include a morning newborn wrapping tutorial and beautiful styled family session at sunset.

Feeling a lag in your creativity and gravitating to the same posing in your sessions over and over again? Learn how to capture families with genuine, authentic emotion that brings unique, art-worthy imagery every time.

Get ready for the shots that you'll be dying to get home and edit right away! Trust me, your Instagram audience will be all over these! Not because they are from the most *perfect* curated session, but because they can picture THEMSELVES in them too!

Elevate Your Skillset + Portfolio

the hands on part of the day

The Workshop Investment

i promise it'll be one of the best things you'll do for yourself + your biz next year!


  • the day-long in person experience we've all been craving! connect with like minded women who are ready to encourage and pour into one another
  • lunch, dinner, snacks, and coffee provided
  • hard copy workbook with all modules so you can be fully present and not have to worry about taking non-stop notes all day
  • a neutral newborn wrap to add to your client wardrobe
  • learning modules and discussion that include topics from pricing your offers to the client experience & more
  • the tools, inspiration, and excitement you need to reignite your creativity and spark the motivation you've been needing to create the business shift you've been dreaming up

($2700 VAlue)

– Cayce F.

The thing that separates Chelsea’s coaching/workshops from others is she provides step by step guidance on how to implement changes to your business. Instead of speaking vaguely about business practices, she gets down to the nitty gritty, allowing you to walk away and actually implement these systems and tools into your business. I cannot say enough about how valuable my time with Chelsea has been. My business would not be where it is without her guidance. You will not regret investing in her workshops or coaching!

GENERAL ADMISSION + VIP PAckage add-on includes:

  • everything included in general admission ticket
  • continued individualized support following the workshop
  • 7 days of Voxer access following the workshop to have your questions answered and guidance as you begin implementing new ideas
  • two 60-minute one-on-one virtual calls to be used within two months following the workshop
  • option to use coaching calls for a website audit, pricing breakdown, funnel building, and more.
  • all of my digital products -- Portrait Experience Guide + Investment Guide Canva templates and ALL email templates.
  • 10% off my 12 week one on one coaching retainer to be used in 2024

($3,700 VAlue)

$998 early bird rate



No. 1

No. 2

You are MORE than welcome to join us! I wish I would have had these foundations from the VERY start of my business. It would have saved me lots of time and probably lots of money too, ha! You'll learn the principles of setting up your business to be profitable and sustainable, and how to serve your clients with excellence!

No. 3

No problem at all! In fact, this workshop will help you discover YOUR purpose within your business, your true motivation and "why" behind it. Through that process we will discover the appropriate goals to coincide with your vision.

No. 4

We will do our best to stay on track with the modules throughout the workshop. However, there will definitely be room for Q + A and we may also go over additional topics that come up. You will also have the opportunity to continue support through one on one coaching following the workshop!

Can't wait to see you there, friend!

LEt's make big moves together this year.

Are You Ready?

What's so cool about the world we live in today is that although it can seem saturated, there is so much potential and space for anyone to pursue their wildest dreams! There IS room for you too. You can take the beautiful, unique gifts that God gave you and turn them into the life and business you could only dream of until now. It's time.


general admission 

Enroll Now

one time payment




Enroll Now

4 monthly payments for general admission


The VIP ticket

Enroll Now

get extra 1:1 support following the workshop



Design by Davey & Krista

© 2023 Chelsea allegra llc | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED