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I Understand My Mama Clients So Much More Now… Last year, we did our first professional family photo session when our son was almost 3 months old. I remember feeling so overwhelmed with getting myself and our family ready, especially with a tiny human! And this tiny human screamed in the car the whole way […]


I hoped and prayed that I would never be in a place where I’d be writing this blog post from the perspective of a first-hand experience. And it took me a long time to finally be at a place where I felt like I could sit down and start typing. But I knew how important […]


I don’t know about you, but as the later weeks of my pregnancy approached, I felt EXTREMELY overwhelmed. Do we have everything we needed? How much of each thing do we need? Do we need more than one kind? Where do I put all this stuff? Do we REALLY need “xyz?” However, I was also […]


To be completely honest, pregnancy and giving birth was always something that I had a lot of fear around. It’s not that I didn’t want to experience it…I have always known I have wanted to be a mom. But I think society, the media, and the movies make it seem like such a scary thing. […]


The skies are dark and stormy on this late afternoon in late July, and I am sitting cross-legged on our couch wrapped in a cardigan and blanket with my laptop as I write this since our house is feeling awfully chilly in the air conditioning. Today I am 37 weeks and 3 days pregnant with […]


As I write this post, I am currently 34.5 weeks pregnant and having trouble finding the words to describe how quickly this pregnancy has gone. I would be lying if I said it hasn’t been a really difficult time in my life, but it has also been one of the most beautiful times. When we […]


I was always someone who was a little skeptical of maternity photos for myself. I wasn’t sure if I would feel comfortable taking them or if that I would feel they were important. There was always a part of me that worried I wouldn’t be confident in my growing and changing body enough to dedicate […]


  I feel so blessed that living in Wilmington has brought me so much knowledge through the connections I’ve and the people I have met here. So much so that I have been using many of these products since long before I ever got pregnant. Upon moving to this special city, I was connected with […]


Well, this past December Jordan and I experienced the biggest surprise of our lives. WE’RE PREGNANT!!! I still can’t really get over the fact that this is all happening because it truly feels like the best dream ever. Throughout the years of our relationship, especially as we approached our wedding day, Jordan and I would […]


Crazy enough, our honeymoon was the first ever vacation Jordan and I took just the two of us! We have traveled together over the years, but it was always for family vacations or weddings. So we were really looking forward to kicking off our marriage with a vacation that we could spend some real time […]

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